Geological Lesson Recipes
Lesson Plans for the Ontario
Grade 1: Earth and Space Systems - Daily and Seasonal Cycles
Lesson 1: Identifying the
sun as a source of light and heat (downloadable PDF)
Lesson 2: Observing changes
in heat and light from the sun over time (downloadable PDF)
Grade 2: Air and Water in the Environment
Lesson 1: Identifying and
describing forms of moisture in the environment (downloadable PDF)
Lesson 2: Air as a substance
that surrounds us, takes up space, moves, and can be felt (downloadable
Grade 3: An exercise on types of soils
and how they affect land use. Also downloadable as a PDF
Grade 4: Rocks, Minerals, and Erosion
Lesson 1: Recognizing igneous,
metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, and their uses (downloadable PDF)
Lesson 2: How fossils form
and how to identify them, including home-made fossil excercises (downloadable
Grade 7: Learn how mantle hot
spots form chains of islands such as the Hawaiian Islands. Also downloadable
as a PDF file.
Grade 12: A lesson plan module centred on the Rocks and Minerals portion
of the Grade 12 curriculum. Downloadable MSWord
Learn about Geology by trying
these fun excercises
Can we live without mineral
How do we know that the continents were once in
different positions then they are in now? Try this geological
jigsaw puzzle and find out.
How to identify
minerals by using their physical properties.
Get an idea of how incredibly old the earth is
by using a roll of paper towels to represent the Geological
Create a "storm
in a jar" and see how sediments are deposited.